Thursday, May 21, 2015

Turning 66

I had a birthday this week.  Turning 66 made me pause.  I never have given birthdays or turning older much thought.  When I turned 30, I remember becoming somewhat depressed.  Mostly because it took me 11 years to realize I was no longer a teenager.

Bemoaning the fact we are growing older never seems to escape the reality that its what we do.  I don't feel older, unless you have just slipped on your pool deck and smashed your knee like I did yesterday.  Then you feel stupid and old.  But, I was thinking turning 66 sort of goes along with that highway that we sing about, or remember watching on TV, a show called Route 66.  That highway that starts somewhere in Michigan and ends on the pier in Santa Monica.  It starts and stops now with road signs pointing the way to small towns long abandoned. It reminds me of people  I have known in my life and those that have come and are now gone.  Friends, pets and others that seemed relevant and important at the time but maybe not so much now.  You would like to believe that "friends forever" is a reality.  It isn't.  People come and go from your life, and you just keep truckin' on.   Some stay and you're glad.  Others don't!

Like that highway song, I guess I'm about to San Bernardino on that route called life.  I would, however, love to pick up a few more friends before I make it to that pier in Santa Monica.