Friday, October 19, 2018

Thank you

Chris and I ended our Route 66 trek on Tuesday.  Leaving Kingman, we decided to just hoof it home on Interstate 40 and not return to the Mother Road.  The International Balloon Festival was the driving force for our trip eastward and the decision to take the old route there was one we both agreed would be a fun way to do this.  Our friend Pat Dzieszkowski put the idea in motion.  Thanks Pat.
But like any journey, what you learn is always much better than what you see.

The Mother Road just amazed us with each town we read about or saw first hand.  The decline of motor lodges, cafes and entire towns was always a bit melancholy.  Thinking that in a single instance, your life as you knew it had changed.  Interstate 40 was the answer to a faster, more comfortable route from Chicago to Los Angeles.  And, in retrospect, a much safer way to travel.  But what also amazed us were the towns that seemed to take that change and make it better for themselves.  Winslow, AZ with its name used in an iconic song by the Eagles, seemed to be in a good place.  Seligman, AZ, also now on the national registry, seemed to be hopping with tourists and a financial rebirth.

So like life, change is neither good or bad, it just is.  How we adapt to change will always be how we are defined as a people, or a nation.

Thanks for taking the journey with us.  I hoped you enjoyed our time on the Mother Road.

From Chris and myself,


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