Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Dylan, having reached 16 weeks, has now had all her shots.  Rabies and her parvo shots are completed.  So this means we are free to take her just about anywhere.  Our first excursion was a walk around the block.  We have many dogs in our neighborhood and they all bark at passing dog walkers, a leaf dropping or any unheard of noise that only they can hear.  Dylan was in a new world and she was not going to miss anything.  These were distractions in 3D, HD and HSD.  (High Smell Definition)  Her head was on a swivel for two blocks.  Needless to say, training was difficult and heeling was not on her agenda.  Dylan is now at 25 pounds and getting lanky.  Still a puppy and energetic as all get out, she gives Bailey a run for her money everyday.

Trying to get pictures of our three girls is not always easy.

Front Porch Action, Dylan being Dylan

Dylan, winking!
Better..."look at the camera"

Aww, forget it!

Her next big adventure will be a traditional obedience class.  This takes place between the ages 5 and 6 months.  Of course GDA dogs have different rules then those "other" dogs.  However, it's all part of their learning.  Ours too!  More on that when we get closer to actually being there.

Our trip to NY, which was for 6 days, meant Dylan spent those days with Georgia and her dog, Naya.  Georgia, a long time GDA puppy raiser, gave her insight on Dylan telling us she is "very smart and stubborn."  She added, "Which means she will be a great guide dog requiring a lot of patience and persistence from her puppy raisers".


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