Sunday, November 2, 2014

One Last Day

Today, being Sunday, is our last day to be sure we have done everything humanly possible not to mess up this trip.  I think only Eisenhower prepared more for the invasion of Normandy than we have for this trip.  Rental cars to bags packed, it seems that when you check one thing off the check list that 5 others pop up.  Chris is still fighting bronchitis, and is sure we won't be allowed to leave the country due to that medical scare that is sweeping the nation.  I won't even say the word.

Going over all aspects of life on Killdee with Erin while we are gone is also never ending.  Dogs, fish, pool, mail, bills, and her introduction of Kuipo, her cat, to our Bailey and Maggie, our dogs, is still a mystery as to how it will turn out.

Never the less, we are leaving.  Italy in the winter.  Expect rain, its expected on arrival.  Expecting snow, probably.  Expect getting lost, we can only hope so.  Travel along with us or join us, its going to be a fun ride.

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