Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fight On - USG?

Patissier and Baking have come to a crashing conclusion.  I got a B on my final written exam.  I received 93 points on my three desserts out of a possible 100.  So all in all not too bad.  Therefore I earned an A in the class.  My current GPA is 3.92 - My grade in cake decorating is well below that.

Did I tell you cake decorating is not my strong point?  After struggling to make the frosting yesterday, my frosting today came out great.  But, a Celebration Cake has to have a celebratory message on the cake.  I gave you three guesses as to what message I might use.  It wasn't Happy Birthday or Bon Voyage.  No, I went the college rah rah route.  Being a USC football fanatic I placed their "Fight On" motto on the cake. (So Dumb)  Javier, my 19 year old classmate asked, "what's USG?"

Anyway, I didn't bring home the Chocolate Tart I made.  I gave it to a Foundations II class to enjoy.  The Souffles do not travel well at all.  But, I was bound and determined to bring home this sorry ass cake.   So I boxed it up in the only box I could find (too big) and taped it up and made a handle.  I was riding down the escalator to the Red Line train and the handle broke and the box went tumbling down the escalator, end over end landing upside down. Sigh!  Lucky for me, a trash can was at the bottom of the escalator and that's where it's sitting right now.  When you see the cake, you'll agree it ended up in a deserving place.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Wow dad....I love you but that cake looks way worse than you described it! Bahahaha!! But I bet it tasted good! Well, some homeless guy will probably find out! =) So proud of you STILL!!! Only a few more weeks!! Whoo!!! Can't wait to try some international stuff!! Wonder if they'll teach you how to make Yorkshire pudding??!!! Ha! xoxo